District Councils' Network Coronavirus Engagement Template for Councils District Councils will play a pivotal role in our national response to the impact of...
Devolution and Districts – championing our towns, cities and communities
Devolution and Districts - championing our towns, cities and communities The new Government is setting out on an ambitious journey to spread...
Championing our High Streets
Championing our High Streets - Learning from a Study Tour to Roeselare This collection of essays shares the learning of a District Councils' Network Study...
Championing our High Streets
DCN collection of essays 2020 Background This collection of essays shares the learning of a District Councils' Network Study Tour to Roeselare.
DCN report on Tackling Homelessness
you can click here to access a pdf version Background Following the welcome passage of the Homelessness Reduction Act, the DCN have released this report to...
New Chair and Vice Chair of DCN Chief Executive’s Group announced
A new Chair and Vice Chair of the District Councils’ Network’s Chief Executives’ Group have been appointed. Paul Shevlin, Chief Executive of Craven District...
DCN Autumn Statement 2016 Briefing
District Councils' Network on the day member briefing responding to the 2016 Autumn Statement.
DCN high level response to: “CCN response to independent studies on structural reform”
DCN high level response to: “CCN response to independent studies on structural reform” Commenting in response to independent studies looking into potential...
The district council contribution to public health: a time of challenge and opportunity
District councils should be seen as key partners by the NHS and other tiers of local government, recognising their existing critical work in the integration...
2015 Local Plans Expert Group – response To Call For Evidence From District Councils’ Network (DCN)
District councils have outlined a series of reforms aimed at simplifying the planning system and helping to realise Government ambitions for economic growth....
Building Better Collaboration
District councils should take a leading role to make sure devolution improves services and outcomes for people and places through better collaboration, a new...
District Councils’ Network submission To The APPG For Reform, Decentralisation And Devolution in the UK
Enabling legislation set out in the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill should allow for the formation of clusters of district councils which reflect...