Summary of DCN Position DCN supports devolution and wants more power to be transferred to our local places. We broadly welcome the proposals in the English...
Briefing note: The Resources and Waste Strategy Reforms
Briefing note: The Resources and Waste Strategy Reforms In this briefing note we detail some of our major concerns that arise from the three recent Defra...
Briefing note: The threat to leisure centres and the value of leisure services
Briefing note: The threat to leisure centres and the value of leisure services In this briefing note, aimed primarily at parliamentarians we make the case for...
Briefing Note: DCN Business Communities, Sectors and Innovation
Briefing Note: DCN Business Communities, Sectors and Innovation Districts are the local leaders for economic development and regeneration. Developed as part...
Briefing Note: District Recovery: Investment in Skills and Job Support
Briefing Note: District Recovery: Investment in Skills and Job Support As proven again by the response to the Covid-19 crisis, districts know and...
Briefing Note: DCN Visitor Economy
Briefing Note: Support for the Visitor Economy, with a Focus on Rural and Coastal Areas This DCN brief focuses on supporting the visitor economy,...