The scale of the challenge presented to council services by local government reorganisation (LGR) was the topic of a roundtable, supported by Norse Group,...
Navigating sustainable procurement
How councils can make the most of the Procurement Act 2023 By Gary Styles, Founder and Chief Executive, Zellar The Procurement Act 2023, which took effect in...
Fairness in aged debt: Using AI to improve collections without losing the human touch
By Ed Crouch, Market Development Director, Capita Managing aged debt is a significant challenge for councils, impacting financial management and public...
The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make (And No, I’m Not Talking About Bitcoin)
Development. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? Well, if you’re imagining long, dry workshops or endless PowerPoints,...
The challenges of becoming a senior leader from a BAME background
By Wallace Sampson OBE, former Chief Executive, Harrogate Borough Council A persistent failing of the local government sector is its historic and current lack...
Finance – The Hot Potato for Local Government
What does this mean for Finance Talent? For more than a decade the environment for councils has been testing. The dramatic spike in inflation over the past 18...
Local elections should be about local issues
"Now is the time to debate the biggest issues affecting our areas – with candidates offering competing visions and staking their claim to be best placed to...
Susan Brown: Short-term lets are diminishing our communities
Districts should seek robust regulatory powers in the current government consultation Cllr Susan Brown, Labour group leader and Vice Chair, DCN; leader,...
An opportunity has arisen to be ministers’ growth agenda partners
An opportunity has arisen to be ministers’ growth agenda partners The economic direction of travel under Liz Truss will differ from that under her...
‘Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you, district councils’
'Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you, district councils' Districts have played a significant role in local commemorations for the Queen – and this autumn will...