The scale of the challenge presented to council services by local government reorganisation (LGR) was the topic of a roundtable, supported by Norse Group,...
Navigating sustainable procurement
How councils can make the most of the Procurement Act 2023 By Gary Styles, Founder and Chief Executive, Zellar The Procurement Act 2023, which took effect in...
Fairness in aged debt: Using AI to improve collections without losing the human touch
By Ed Crouch, Market Development Director, Capita Managing aged debt is a significant challenge for councils, impacting financial management and public...
Growth, reform and trust: Creating places that deliver the potential of LGR
DCN invited Inner Circle Consulting to produce a paper setting out how places might best respond to the challenges and opportunities of local government...
Council shake-up must promote sustainable reform over short-term fixes
Reorganisation could create larger versions of dysfunctionality, warns independent report Local government reorganisation (LGR) risks reinforcing the status...
‘We need more homes, not just more planning permissions’
Cllr Richard Wright, the DCN’s planning spokesperson, has responded to the publication of the Planning and Infrastructure Bill. “We want to see more of the...
UPDATED: Performance data undermines case for mega councils
Little correlation between unitary councils’ size and service quality, official data reveals NOTE: This statement has been updated to reflect most recent...
District councils respond to claim of savings from mega councils
The District Councils’ Network has expressed scepticism over the levels of savings claimed by the proponents of mega councils. Research from the County...
Homelessness funding set to be slashed for crisis-hit areasÂ
Coastal towns, rural areas and university cities are likely to lose out despite soaring temporary accommodation rates Councils facing some of England's worst...
Full DCN conference programme revealed
Two local government ministers, parliamentary representatives of the main Opposition parties and a combined authority mayor are among the speakers at the...
Rushing reorganisation disempowers communities
Consultants will be the victors from the mad rush to impose mega councils The rush to impose mega councils on local areas ignores the views of local...
No evidence exists to support mega councils, Government admits
Freedom of Information responses show no assessment undertaken to support 500k population floor for unitary councils The Government has admitted it has...