Planning for the Future, the DCN Response The DCN welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Planning for the Future White Paper consultation. We wish to work...
DCN responds to consultation on Changes to the Current Planning System
DCN responds to consultation on Changes to the Current Planning System In our response we highlight our concerns that local authorities will be expected in...
DCN calls for the spending review to deliver a fair and sustainable future for district councils and their communities
DCN submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review The DCN calls on government to deliver a multi-year financial settlement for districts, and urges...
DCN responds to the Government’s business rates review
In our response to the first tranche of the Government's review of business rates, DCN sets out our position on reform to reliefs and the multiplier. We...
DCN Response – PWLB
DCN Response - Public Works Loan Board DCN responds to HM Treasury consultation on lending terms for the Public Works Loan Board, arguing that the proposed...
District Councils’ Network responds to CMA funerals market investigation
District Councils' Network responds to CMA funerals market investigation The CMA is carrying out a market investigation into the supply of services by funeral...
District Councils’ Network responds to the First Homes consultation
The DCN supports the aim of First Homes to help more people buy their own homes in their local area. We recognise that many households aspire to home...
District Council Response to COVID-19
District Council Response to the COVID-19 Illness This is a fast-moving situation; the response to the Covid-19 illness has profound implications for the...
DCN makes representation to the 2020 Budget
The DCN has submitted a representation ahead of the Budget 2020, setting out our key asks and priorities for our members. Districts will continue to deliver...
DCN Consultation Response: Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2020-21
The DCN response to the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement
DCN Consultation Response: Local Government Finance Settlement Technical Consultation
The DCN response to the MHCLG Local Government Finance Technical Consultation.
DCN Consultation Response: Prevention Green Paper
The District Councils’ Network response to the prevention green paper