Spending Review 2021: DCN calls for financial certainty and sustainability as the essential foundations for levelling up Shire districts will deliver the...
DCN gives evidence to HCLG Committee inquiry into Permitted Development Rights
DCN gives evidence to HCLG Committee inquiry into Permitted Development Rights The DCN welcomes this important report from the HCLG Committee following their...
DCN responds to Defra proposals for consistency in household and business recycling
DCN responds to Defra proposals for consistency in household and business recycling The DCN believes that local councils and communities- from our city...
DCN responds to a proposed Waste Prevention Plan for England
DCN responds to a proposed Waste Prevention Plan for England The District Councils' Network supports the proposals for a Waste Prevention Plan for England. We...
DCN gives evidence to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee inquiry into the future of the planning system
DCN gives evidence to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee inquiry into the future of the planning system In our evidence, published within...
DCN responds to a proposed Deposit Return Scheme
DCN responds to a proposed Deposit Return Scheme The District Councils' Network supports the instigation of a 'on-the-go' Deposit Return Scheme as a way to...
DCN responds to Extended Producer Responsibility proposals for waste services
DCN responds to Extended Producer Responsibility proposals for waste services The District Council's Network welcomes the opportunity to consult on these...
DCN responds to MHCLG call for evidence on the continuation of remote meetings
DCN responds to MHCLG call for evidence on the continuation of remote meetings In our submission we argue it should be for local authorities to decide what...
DCN responds to consultation on changes to the Local Audit (appointing person) regulations
DCN responds to consultation on changes to the Local Audit (appointing person) regulations With some caveats, we welcome the government's proposals....
DCN responds to consultation on changes to the payment process of schools’ business rates
The DCN have broadly welcomed the government's proposals that would see the Education and Skills Funding Agency paying schools’ business rates directly to...
Consultation for reforming local government in Cumbria and Lancaster, North Yorkshire, and Somerset
Consultation for reforming local government in Cumbria and Lancaster, North Yorkshire, and Somerset Date: 23rd April 2021 Consultation for reforming local...
DCN sets out a new future for the New Homes Bonus
The District Councils' Network sets out a new future for the New Homes Bonus In our response to the government's consultation, the DCN calls for government to...